Maine Genealogical Society

Chapters Of The Maine Genealogical Society

Chapter Locations

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We encourage the formation of new genealogical groups in the state. If you would like assistance or more information about becoming an official chapter of MGS, please contact us for more information

Aroostook County Genealogical Society
Caribou, Maine

Founded in 2003 as a non-profit organization, the Aroostook County Genealogical Society is a dynamic and growing membership of individuals from all over “The County” that share a common love for the field of genealogy. Whether you’re a beginner, a professional, or somewhere in between, ACGS can assist you in your research into the past.The rich melting pot of ethnic diversity that is Aroostook County and Maine includes countless personal histories just waiting to be re-discovered. ACGS has something for everyone
Greater Portland Chapter of MGS
South Portland, Maine

The Greater Portland Genealogical Society meets at 1:00 on the first Saturday of every month. at the First Congregational Church United Church of Christ at 301 Cottage Road, South Portland (across from Mount Pleasant Cemetery).
Our meetings are open to the public and new members are always welcome. Come early as refreshments are served before the meeting at 12:30. Admission is free, though a small donation is encouraged. A program is planned for each meeting.
Hancock County Genealogical Society
Ellsworth, Maine
The Hancock County Genealogical Society was founded in 1986, to offer our members sources of information and research ideas while working on their family genealogies. This group for anyone who has ancestors from Hancock County Maine. Our members volunteer their time to help people interested in learning more about the Hancock County roots.
Midcoast Chapter of MGS
Rockport, Maine
The Midcoast Genealogy Group recently became active after a long hiatus. This chapter was originally organized in 1985 under the leadership of the late Margaret Hook and continued with monthly meetings until October of 2003 when the group disbanded. A small group of about six or eight individuals now meet for informal gatherings at the temporary home of the Rockport Public Library on Route 1 in Rockport on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30p.m.
Pejepscot Genealogy Society
Brunswick, Maine
Meets the second Sunday of each month, September through June, except in May, when we meet on the first Sunday. All meetings are at 2pm at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick. In addition to our monthly meeting, Pejepscot Chapter members actively participate in other aspects of genealogical research, from volunteering time to staff the genealogy research room at the Curtis Memorial Library to helping the library add to their ever growing collection of genealogical and local history materials. We also organize periodic trips to clean maintain a local cemetery and have an annual picnic/field trip in the summer.
Penobscot County Genealogical Society
Bangor, Maine

The Penobscot County Genealogical Society meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 6:00pm with a social meeting at 5:30pm, usually at the Bangor Public Library, 143 Harlow St., in Bangor.  Meetings consist of speakers presenting their genealogical research, family and local history, genealogical travel and other topics of interest. Two meetings a year are dedicated to research at the Bangor Public Library or Family History Center at the Bangor LDS Church. Local cemeteries and historical societies are sometimes visited. A newsletter is published quarterly and an annual picnic is held in June for members.

Wawenoc Genealogical Society
Belfast, Maine
The Wawenoc Chapter of MGS meets monthly at the Belfast Free Library. Announcements about upcoming meetings and interesting articles of interest to researchers can be found on their Facebook page.
Sandy River Chapter of MGS
Farmington, Maine
The Sandy River Valley Chapter (SRVC) of the Maine Genealogical Society (MGS) was not officially organized until December of 1978 and received its MGS Charter in 1979.  However, individuals from this area were instrumental in forming the MGS in 1976
Taconnett Falls Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society

The chapter’s purpose is to provide a suitable location for the collection, preservation, and use of our genealogical materials. Our desire is to stimulate interest in genealogy and assist the public in the compilation of personal genealogies and histories.
Washington County Historical & Genealogical Society Machias, Maine
The Washington County Historical and Genealogical Society is a group dedicated to historical preservation and genealogical research in Washington County, Maine. By working together historical societies, genealogists, and researchers can pool their limited resources, collaborate on larger scale projects, and promote each other's work.
Wassebec Genealogical Society
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
This Chapter is dedicated to preserving the heritage and roots of Piscataquis County. The Chapter promotes the preservation of genealogical data and, through its outreach and educational activities, encourages a love of genealogy.  The Society is open to all with an interest in Piscataquis County or genealogy in general and welcomes visitors to its meetings and programs.


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