Membership in the Taconnett Falls Chapter is open to the public. Our dues are $10 per year and include our monthly newsletter, which generally is distributed via email, although members without internet access may receive it by postal mail. The membership period is January 1 to December 31.
Members are asked to share their own five-generation pedigree charts, which are added to the chapter’s Pedigree Notebook. Members of our chapter are not required to belong to the Maine Genealogical Society, and paying dues to the chapter does not enroll a new member automatically in MGS.
A check for dues payment may be mailed to Taconnett Falls Chapter, P.O. Box 2103, Waterville, ME 04903. Please include a note providing your name, postal address, email address, telephone numbers, and any other relevant contact information. We also encourage you to describe particular areas of genealogical research in which you are interested.